Welcome to District IV!

Location: Jackson | Founded: 1945

Rachel Lockhart, President


I’m Rachel L. Lockhart, the current President of District IV, based in Jackson, MS. The platform for 2023-2024 is “Sowing Seeds of Progression Through Mentorship and Collaborations. The continuation of any great platform is making sure that tools are shared, and partnerships are created to broaden our reach and strengthen our impact. Eliza Pillars Registered Nurses of Mississippi has a rich, vibrant history, and it is imperative that it continues to grow as a part of the future of Mississippi.
Healthcare is one of the ongoing issues in our state, and nurses stand at the forefront. Collaboration and Mentorship are key in maintaining the growth of relationships and incentives to retain nurses and other healthcare professionals in our State. I challenge all nurses to provide a personal environment of development and enrichment to share with those new and seasoned in our profession. It is necessary for the present and our future.

I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Mississippi Center in 2012 and am working toward a Master’s in Nurse Education. I am the Nurse Educator for the Adult Neuroscience Unit at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. I thoroughly enjoy instruction, training, and helping to “make it make sense.” I participate in projects with the Office of Nursing Quality, which help to enrich clinical staff for increased positive patient outcomes and quality improvement.

I look forward to having you in District IV!

Meeting Date & Time

3rd Thursday of each month (except June, July, and August), 6:00 p.m.
Jackson Medical Mall, Community Meeting Room
Zoom link available for online meetings.

Chapter Activities & Events

Events coming soon!

Community Service Event